This About Page is basically My journey to becoming an Affiliate Marketing Success Story and finally quitting my day job and start earning a full time income online has been a long one. 

In fact, around 20 years ago, I started to dream about making money online, but for various reasons it never materialised. Mainly due to a lack of knowledge.

I always knew “the Money was in the List” but had no idea how to build a list.

I knew about Clickbank and the dream of being a successful Affiliate Marketer many years ago…..but never got going.

However, things changed for me around 6 months ago, when a friend of mine told me about an Affiliate Programme he was on “John Thornhill’s Ambassador Programme” and I took a look.

Well, I enrolled in this programme and have never looked back. I now have 3 Programmes working concurrently, all of which are helping me to sit back and merely drive more traffic to my sites.

Not only do I no longer have to do much for my money, but I am earning far more than I did as a teacher, and every month I expect to be earning more and more for basically doing very little!!

Affiliate Marketing Success Secrets

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How to achieve Affiliate Marketing Success

Be prepared to get excited because I will show you exactly how to achieve success…..step by step.

I now know exactly what to do and how to do it, and also have everything set up and running:

I have several email lists set up to collect potential customers automatically

I have hundreds of excellent products to sell that are not over-saturated

I have several landing pages set up to direct customers to my email lists and ultimately to my products

I even have money being sent to me automatically as part of one of my programmes.

Please keep on reading and I will show you exactly what to do and how to do it and literally follow in my footsteps to achieve your own financial freedom yourself. However, there are a few ugly truths to discuss first!!!

Ugly Truth Number 1.

You will never succeed unless you have a Mentor.

By the way, this mentor is not me…..well, I will certainly help you, but I am merely a few months ahead of you.

I will be introducing you to 3 Affiliate Marketing experts who are all Millionaires through their online activities. I have purchased products from all of them and can tell you that the Blueprint for success is held within their products.

I will be revealing the exact steps I have taken and will continue to take to secure my continued success.

There are 2 reasons. The first is that helping others is a natural part of my personality. As a teacher for many years I enjoy helping people, even if I never meet them. I really hope that once you become successful you may send me an email to thank me. When former students get in touch to thank me, it really is the best feeling in the world. You will find my email address later on.

The second reason is that the steps I have taken have cost me money ( there really is no other way). If you do indeed follow me step by step ( as you should if you are serious about making cash ), then I want you to buy the same products I have bought and join them under my affiliate links.

If you do that, then you will be in a position to then do exactly the same as me, and get people to join under you. Please note this is NOT some sort of pyramid scheme, but as an affiliate you need to get people to buy using your links.

However, even if you do not buy anything, you will learn the exact steps I take and see for yourself the very processes that I have taken and you will see how easy it is to become successful if you know how.

All I ask is that you do NOT do what I did for many years and waste time looking for shortcuts and some magic money tree, because they do not exist!!

Ugly Truth Number 2

Avoid the traditional Affiliate Platforms like Clickbank. Why?

The reason is everyone is using these platforms.

It looks so easy, but you will never succeed with your affiliate links, above the heavy hitters who earn all of the money. 95% of the affiliate money earned on Clickbank is from 1% of Affiliates. Think about it. The chances of success are slim to nothing.

However, having said that, please note I will be revealing a very clever way of incorporating Clickbank products into your arsenal….just not in the usual way.

You need to something that is a little different from the norm. This is why you need a Mentor to show you the way.

Introducing Internet Millionaire 1…..John Thornhill

John’s Ambassador Program is brilliant and you definitely want to get on board with this. It is unbelievable value.

There is so much that it can be a bit overwhelming, but I will clarify things on a different post. For now, sign up for the webinar and watch.

By the way, by signing up you have now joined my Autoresponder email series. If you join John’s programme, this is set up for you ( just like mine ). In fact it takes around 30 minutes to set everything up. After that, all you have to is drive Traffic to your link. John has that covered as well…… will learn so much as you earn.

Enjoy the ride!!

Just watch the emails roll in day after day and you will see how much money you could make by having these emails promoting the exact same products for you. In fact, in most cases you make 100% of the commission.

Not only that, but as people sign up for the webinar, they are joining your list and you can then promote anything you like to the list.

In addition, if you create a Blog, then he will post it to his thousands of subscribers as a bonus. Now, what can you post on a Blog?

Well, one reason for following me is that I give you permission to basically copy mine ( but obviously not word for word!! )

I hope you are beginning to get excited because there is lots more to come.

One question you may be asking is how do you drive customers to your email list?

John has that covered as well.

There are lots of traffic generating ideas, but truth be told, you do have to put the work in. Which leads me to:

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Ugly Truth Number 3

There is no magic money tree….apart from the one I mentioned earlier!!

You do have to put the work in to set things up ( well, just follow the instructions )

You also have to work at driving traffic by following the advice or you can pay for traffic if you can.

One method that John helps you with is by sing a lead magnet to warm up the potential customers before they are sent to the webinar.

Here is the one I have set up:

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This controversial report may shock you, but the truth needs to be told. 
If you’ve been struggling online this report will open your eyes. 

By all means download the report and see how it warms up the prospect. You can be doing exactly the same thing!!

Ugly Truth Number 4

You may have realised by now that you are going to have to invest money to make money. These mentors and their programmes are not free or indeed cheap. However, you will quickly recoup your outlay and start making huge commissions if you follow the advice.

John and the other mentors I will introduce later don’t want to work with tyre kickers and freebie timewasters. Would you want to give the keys to the kingdom to someone for nothing? Of course not. It takes time and effort on their part to set you up. You have to take action and follow the steps, but if you do you cannot really fail, as you are promoting so many valuable products with so many hungry customers.

They charge these prices because they are offering something exceptional and they only want to work with go-getters who put their money where their mouth is. You need to beg, borrow or steal the money to get involved.

What is the alternative? Join Clickbank, get some affiliate links and post them on to a blog, which no-one reads.

By the way, avoid programmes which say they drive Free Traffic on your behalf……absolute scams!!

Introducing Internet Millionaire 2 Michael Cheney

Now Michael has been around for over 20 years and is promoting a very similar concept to John, which allows you to expand your range of products and develop another email list promoting the same products that Michael has made millions with.

Michael’s programme is a little more complex to integrate, but you are given step by step instructions, including how to set up a Lead Magnet to get people to sign up to your list.

Here is my Lead Magnet, which I easily set up using the instructions:

Apprentice Image
Become the Internet Marketing Millionaire’s Next Apprentice!! 

To access this enticing document, once again people join my email list and will get regular emails encouraging them to join the programme or to purchase one of many products, all of which give you 100% commission.

Really, there is no easier way to make money online. All you have to do is join these programmes.

Please watch the webinar and see for yourself the potential here:

I joined this programme and literally within a day had received nearly $100  for doing nothing!! ( see my screenshot earlier on )

There is more to come!

This programme is insane and you are taught how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your offers, just like John’s programme.

By the way, once you have your lists built up, you can merge them to offer different people the different products.

Every single product you offer has been written by a copyrighting expert. Once again, watch the emails roll in and check out the products being offered.

I really hope you can see the potential here. Just join my lists and see what happens.

After that, you will be itching to join.

I hope that you can see by now that these guys offer everything you need to succeed:

They offer products that people want to buy

They provide a method and means to build a list

They provide ways to drive traffic to your lead magnet

They provide all you need to know how to sell to your list.

Everything you need is contained within these programmes.

If you sign up under my links then be sure to email me and I will be a 3rd mentor for you to help you any way I can.

My email is :

You can contact me using the email above and it is on the Contact Menu on this site, so be sure to favourite this site.

Still with me…..Good…….because there is one more guy I want to introduce:

Introducing Internet Millionaire 3………James Neville-Taylor

He has set up a brilliant programme, called Rapid Profit Machine.

You can join by clicking the link at the top of this page.

However, this is not the main profit producing part.

He has also set up the MAB System which stands for Massive Affiliate Blueprint.

Find out much more here:

That is all for now

Please take action and get going… owe it to yourself to get in on the action of almost passive income, once you set everything up.

There is a huge market as more and more people need more cash and are looking for easy ways to get it. Not only that, but there is a hugely growing wealthy market in India, Brazil, China and other emerging economies, where they all want a piece of the action.

Don’t um and ahh…….get on board now.

Follow in my footsteps and live the dream.

All the Best.


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