Starting an affiliate website and utilising affiliate marketing software is an effective way for small businesses to generate extra revenue and boost brand awareness. You can promote your company’s products or services, as well as affiliate products from other brands. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key steps to launching your own affiliate website and utilising affiliate marketing tools to help manage your programme. With some time and effort, you can establish a successful affiliate marketing channel that complements your existing marketing strategies.

How to set up an Affiliate Website

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Understanding Affiliate Marketing: An Overview for Small Businesses

To effectively utilise affiliate marketing, you must first understand what it entails. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model where businesses pay independent publishers a commission for generating sales or traffic. As a small business, it allows you to increase brand awareness and generate revenue at a low cost.

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How Affiliate Marketing Works

Affiliate marketing utilises a network of publishers who promote your products and services. Whenever a customer clicks on an affiliate link and completes a desired action like making a purchase, the affiliate receives a commission. This is a win-win situation where both parties generate revenue and expand their reach.

Finding the Right Affiliates

Choosing affiliates who share your target audience and values is key. Look for reputable influencers, bloggers, and media companies in your industry. Provide affiliates with marketing collateral like product images, descriptions, banners and tracking links to aid promotion. Offer attractive commission rates, on-time payments and performance incentives to keep affiliates motivated.

Using Affiliate Marketing Software

Affiliate marketing software like networks, marketplaces and tracking tools simplify managing affiliates and optimising your programme. Networks connect you to a large base of affiliates while marketplaces allow you to post your own programme. Tracking tools provide analytics on affiliate performance so you can evaluate what’s working and make data-driven decisions.

With the right approach, affiliate marketing can be an invaluable channel for customer acquisition and revenue generation for small businesses. Build a mutually beneficial relationship with your affiliates and leverage software solutions to streamline operations, then sit back and watch your programme thrive.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Affiliate Website

To establish an affiliate website, you must first choose a niche market and build a professional website. The following steps will guide you through the process:

Choose a Niche

Select a niche market that you are familiar with and passionate about. Some options include:

  • Technology (e.g. software, gadgets)
  • Health and fitness
  • Travel
  • Finance (e.g. credit cards, insurance)
  • Home and garden

Build Your Website

Use a content management system like WordPress to create your site. Include pages like ‘Home’, ‘About Us’, ‘Contact’, and ‘Privacy Policy’. Populate your site with content related to your niche to establish authority and gain traffic. Update content regularly to keep visitors engaged.

Promote products as an affiliate to earn commissions. Do research to find reputable affiliate networks and desirable products in your niche. Compare commission rates and cookie durations to choose profitable partnerships.

Promote Your Website

Increase traffic to your site through social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), influencer outreach, and content creation. Build your email list by offering a free resource in exchange for subscribers’ email addresses. Stay active in social communities related to your niche.

Track Your Performance

Use affiliate marketing software like Post Affiliate Pro to monitor how visitors engage with your site and the effectiveness of your promotions. Review metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and commission earnings to optimise your strategy. Make data-driven decisions to improve traffic, increase sales, and boost your ROI.

Continually test and refine your approach to develop a successful affiliate website and partnership programme. With hard work and persistence, you can build a profitable business through affiliate marketing.

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Choosing the Right Affiliate Programmes and Products to Promote

To maximise your affiliate marketing efforts, you need to choose high-quality affiliate programmes and products that are closely aligned with your website and target audience. The key factors to consider when selecting affiliate partners are:


The products and services you promote should be highly relevant to your website content and audience. If there is a logical connection between what you currently offer and the affiliate products, your audience will see them as useful recommendations. For example, if you operate a website providing business advice, relevant affiliate programmes could include marketing software, productivity tools or online business courses.

Commission Rate

The commission percentage is the amount you earn from each sale. Look for affiliate programmes that offer commission rates of at least 10 to 20 percent to generate a good income from your promotions. Some companies offer tiered commission rates, paying higher percentages for more sales. High-ticket items, especially digital products like video courses, often provide the best commissions.


Choose reputable companies with a proven track record of paying affiliate commissions on time and in full. Read reviews from other affiliates to determine the reliability and trustworthiness of the programmes before you apply. Look for companies that have been operating for several years at a minimum.


Robust reporting tools allow you to track your affiliate performance, sales and commissions. Look for programmes that provide detailed real-time reporting so you know which promotions are most effective. Reports should include metrics like clicks, impressions, conversions, sales and commissions.

The cookie duration refers to the number of days after a customer clicks your affiliate link that you receive credit for the sale. Longer cookie durations, such as 60 or 90 days, are better because you have more time to convert the sale and earn the commission. Short cookie durations of only 24 hours make it difficult to get credit for your referrals.

Promoting high-quality, targeted products from reputable companies with generous commissions and robust reporting will set your affiliate programme up for success. Be sure to start with a few select partners, learn what works best for your audience and then expand from there. With the right mix of partnerships in place, your small business can build a lucrative affiliate marketing channel.

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Top Affiliate Marketing Software to Effectively Manage Your Programme

To effectively manage your affiliate marketing programme, utilising the right software is key. The following are some of the top tools available:


Voluum is an industry-leading affiliate marketing software that provides real-time data to help you optimise your campaigns. It offers features such as:

  • Real-time statistics: Track data like clicks, conversions, revenue in real-time.
  • Smart targeting: Set rules to automatically pause underperforming offers and scale high-performing ones.
  • Automation: Automate processes like new campaign creation, offer rotation, and budget capping.
  • Ad fraud detection: Detect and block invalid traffic, bots, and low-quality affiliates.

Post Affiliate Pro

Post Affiliate Pro is an affiliate management software that provides robust features for both merchants and affiliates. For merchants, it offers:

  • Customisable interface: Create a programme interface that matches your brand.
  • Multiple commission models: Set up different commission types like CPA, CPC, CPM, or hybrid models.
  • Coupon and promo code generation.
  • Affiliate referral links and banners.

For affiliates, it provides real-time statistics, payment schedules, and a dashboard to manage different campaigns.

How to Choose the Right Affiliate Programs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up an Affiliate Blog & Website(Opens in a new browser tab)

OSI Affiliate

OSI Affiliate is an all-in-one affiliate management software suitable for both enterprise and small businesses. Some of its key features include:

  • Customisable affiliate interface: Create a fully branded experience for your affiliates.
  • Automated affiliate approval: Set rules to automatically approve or deny new affiliate applications.
  • Multiple commission models: Easily set up CPA, CPC, CPM, revenue share or hybrid commission models.
  • In-depth reporting: Gain insights into metrics like ROI, conversion rates, traffic sources and more.
  • Coupon management: Create and distribute one-time use, limited use or open coupons.

Using software like Voluum, Post Affiliate Pro or OSI Affiliate will allow you to efficiently manage large numbers of affiliates and gain valuable insights to boost the success of your affiliate marketing programme. With an array of useful features at your disposal, you will be able to optimise, automate and scale your campaigns for the best results.

How to Launch a Successful Affiliate Campaign: A Step by step guide for Newbies & Small Businesses(Opens in a new browser tab)

Strategies to Boost Affiliate Sales and Earnings for Small Business Owners

To boost affiliate sales and earnings as a small business owner, employing proven strategies and techniques is key. Some recommendations to consider include:

Optimising Your Affiliate Website

Ensure your affiliate website is optimised to convert visitors into customers and generate sales. This includes having a responsive, mobile-friendly design, high-quality content focused on your products and services, clear calls-to-action, and an easy checkout process. Make use of affiliate marketing software which can help track visitors and automate parts of the sales process.

Choosing High-Converting Offers

Select affiliate products and services that are in high demand and that convert well. Look for offers that pay out a generous commission, whether that is a percentage of the sale or a flat fee. Offers that are competitively priced and solve a common problem tend to convert the best.

Promoting Across Multiple Channels

Do not rely on just one traffic source or promotional channel. Use a multi-channel approach including search engines, social media, email marketing, and content creation to drive referral traffic to your affiliate website. This helps to maximise your reach and tap into various audiences.

Providing Incentives

Offer incentives and bonuses to encourage customers to purchase from your affiliate links. This could include coupons, discount codes, free shipping, buy one get one free offers, and loyalty programmes. Incentives give people a reason to buy now rather than later.

Analysing and Optimising

Consistently analyse how your affiliate website and marketing campaigns are performing. Look at metrics such as traffic sources, conversion rates, average order value, and sales numbers. Make changes to improve results like revising content, testing different offers, and optimising your sales funnel. Small tweaks can lead to big improvements over time.

With the right strategies in place, small business owners can successfully boost their affiliate sales and earnings. However, patience and persistence are also needed, as increasing traffic and sales takes time. Stay up-to-date with trends in affiliate marketing and keep optimising and improving your approach.


In conclusion, setting up an affiliate website and tapping into the power of affiliate marketing software can be an effective way for small businesses to generate additional revenue streams. With some initial investment of time and resources to build your affiliate platform and recruit strong partners, the long-term gains of an affiliate programme can be well worth the effort. By offering attractive commissions, providing resources and support for your affiliates, and choosing software that streamlines the process and automates many of the administrative tasks, you’ll be poised to start earning revenue from the marketing efforts of others. The key is simply taking that first step to establish your affiliate website and start building mutually beneficial partnerships.